A Historical Perspective on Biblical Law – should it impact us today?
In recent months and years, American’s have been forced to think about homosexuality in ways we never have before. Indeed, the majority climate in America today is for acceptance of LGBT people and with the recent Supreme Court ruling, marriage between gay people is law.
No matter how one appreciates these trends and this supreme law, we have also heard the outcries against gay sex and marriage by the Christian right, and by other Biblical literalists, who claim society’s morals should follow Old Testament Biblical Law.
For other Christians, these Laws may not carry much weight! I note that we don't hear much from the Jewish community about this topic, either, from a faith community that bases its faith on the Hebrew Scriptures (The Old Testament).
In this essay, I want to offer a historical perspective that may be persuasive to help faithful people (Jews and Christians) appreciate the Old Testament Law and the impact they have on us today. These Old Testament Laws appear in the book of Leviticus which comes from about 2700 years ago, and have to do with ritual practices of the Hebrew people, who were ordered to be as free of sin and impurity as possible. (cf. Chapters 15-16) In addition, in Chapter 17, there is an elaborate procedure to help purify the sinner, called the Day of Atonement, in which the sins of the people are placed on a goat, who is then banished! This is the origin of “scapegoat”.
It doesn't take much thought for us to realize that when the Old Testament Law was being formulated things like medicine and refrigeration were light years away from being discovered.
The Tribes of Israel were small and nomadic, and their focus had to do everything possible to survive as a people. Back then the span of life was short and compromised by sickness, childbirth, disease, and by accidents. At that time, there were no antibiotics, dentists, or doctors, or surgery, or modern drugs! Life was precious, and was threatened by death at any moment.
Keeping that in mind, it seems plausible that the Jewish Lawyers created Dietary and Sexual Laws and other laws, too, each promoting purity in order to try to enhance the survival of the Tribes of Israel.
Dietary Laws prohibiting eating pork and shellfish (among many more things not to be eaten) were created to keep people alive! Pork and shellfish spoil quickly without ice or refrigeration, and could cause sickness and death. So the Lawyers of Israel forbade them to eat these things (in the name of Yahweh) and thereby hoped the people would live and the tribe survive!
The same thing was true with the SEXUAL LAWS found in Leviticus. These were also mean to keep the Tribes vital and strong.
With issues like STD’s, urinary infections, and other sexual problems, the laws proscribed very cumbersome ritual washings and rules. Women were mandated to clean themselves ritually before and after intercourse, and to abstain from sex for days after their menstrual cycle. Why? It seems that in that primitive time, such rules may have been thought to ward against urinary tract infections and other maladies. Women had to be healthy and clean to make as many babies as they could birth.
When it comes to the sexual Laws for men, as with the women, the purpose was to be ritually clean and keep God’s ordinances, in order to make babies!
As with many of the ritual laws, after an emission of semen, a man would also have to wash and clean not only his entire body, but also all his clothing and bed or anything on which his semen falls. Lev. 15:16
It is clear that whether an emission of semen is solitary or with a woman it was something that required ritual cleaning.
It would seem that most modern people would view these archaic laws as impractical and burdensome. Yet surely it was also impractical for the Jewish tribal member, too! Think of it! There were no washers or driers, or even showers!
Can you imagine having to follow those rules in your own life?
For the Hebrews the issue was trying to sexually clean! The Law said to not be clean meant to defile the temple (God). To not be sexually clean, also meant there could be problems that would curtail the future of the Hebrew people.
There is extensive laws that speak about sexual relations with kinsfolk. Is it possible that even at that time of primitive humanity, without an understanding of genetics, that they were aware what might happen with in-breeding?
There is also laws regarding male to male sex. If the primary goal of Law was to promote the birth of healthy children …to guarantee the survival of the Hebrew people, surely a man wouldn't waste his SEED (male to male sex, or via masturbation). The purpose of male sex was to make babies.
Why then, is male to male sex called an “abomination?”
As has been shown, the LAWS of Leviticus where written to help keep their people (the faith) alive. Because for the JEWS to survive as God's chosen ones, meant producing as much life as possible, the law called it (among other things) an abomination. Man to Man sex was not the issue, however! Not using ones seed to make Jewish babies was the issue!
With this historical understanding, Biblical Dietary and Sexual Laws were placed in the Bible as social economics... the laws purpose was to keep the Tribes of Israel alive and healthy, and making as many babies as possible.
The purpose of life was to procreate. When one considers the high mortality rate at that time, procreation was all the more important to the survival of the Hebrew people.
For the Jewish Lawyers the goal was to create fear in the hearts and minds of the people, so they would behave and do what they needed to do. The Jews made LAW hoping people would comply.
Since the time of Christ, Christians (Especially Roman Catholics) have promoted (via church law) no birth control for the same purpose. Why? Their goal was to make as many Roman Catholics in the world as possible.
So it is important for us to realize the reason behind the Laws, when we consider obedience to them today.
Are Old Testament laws (dietary and sexuality) which were intended for survival of an ancient community applicable to modern life?
Today we have refrigerators and freezers and practices that make eating pork and seafood mostly carefree. The detailed and specific dietary laws have no reason to impact our lives.
Regarding SEX... with things like modern medicine and (here in the West) a very long life span, the major goal for people today us is not making babies for the survival of the "tribe", so the very purpose of the Biblical Sex laws do not need to impact our lives either.
The good news is the truth that people of faith believe God created our bodies with the gift and pleasure of human sexuality. God also created us to taste great food and enjoy eating the fruits of God's creation.
Without Old Testament law dictating what we eat and how we wash and how and with whom we have sex, perhaps people of faith should focus on how we live our lives and how we treat ourselves, our loved ones, and our neighbors.
These would be questions of Judeo/Christian ethics and values. And there may be much diversity in opinion upon these questions, as we think about what is fair, and right, and good for all people. But our ethics and values need not be based upon Old Testament laws. Instead, we can use our minds and our hearts as we live in human community.
I would conclude by saying the focus in our modern world should not be upon following Old Testament Law, but rather try to Love God and Neighbor in the way that the Bible invites/commands us to love.
Hopefully, if people are thoughtful about these things, young people will not be guilt-ridden about masturbation, and young and old LGBT people won't be tormented for acting upon their own personal sexual orientation. Furthermore, it is hoped that the sexual guilt borne by many, because of Old Testament Law, will be relieved.
As for the continuing response to the Supreme Courts’ action on Gay marriage, and for other discussions about human sexuality, it is my hope that the Christian voice in our land is more loving for all people.
The Rev. Ben
No matter how one appreciates these trends and this supreme law, we have also heard the outcries against gay sex and marriage by the Christian right, and by other Biblical literalists, who claim society’s morals should follow Old Testament Biblical Law.
For other Christians, these Laws may not carry much weight! I note that we don't hear much from the Jewish community about this topic, either, from a faith community that bases its faith on the Hebrew Scriptures (The Old Testament).
In this essay, I want to offer a historical perspective that may be persuasive to help faithful people (Jews and Christians) appreciate the Old Testament Law and the impact they have on us today. These Old Testament Laws appear in the book of Leviticus which comes from about 2700 years ago, and have to do with ritual practices of the Hebrew people, who were ordered to be as free of sin and impurity as possible. (cf. Chapters 15-16) In addition, in Chapter 17, there is an elaborate procedure to help purify the sinner, called the Day of Atonement, in which the sins of the people are placed on a goat, who is then banished! This is the origin of “scapegoat”.
It doesn't take much thought for us to realize that when the Old Testament Law was being formulated things like medicine and refrigeration were light years away from being discovered.
The Tribes of Israel were small and nomadic, and their focus had to do everything possible to survive as a people. Back then the span of life was short and compromised by sickness, childbirth, disease, and by accidents. At that time, there were no antibiotics, dentists, or doctors, or surgery, or modern drugs! Life was precious, and was threatened by death at any moment.
Keeping that in mind, it seems plausible that the Jewish Lawyers created Dietary and Sexual Laws and other laws, too, each promoting purity in order to try to enhance the survival of the Tribes of Israel.
Dietary Laws prohibiting eating pork and shellfish (among many more things not to be eaten) were created to keep people alive! Pork and shellfish spoil quickly without ice or refrigeration, and could cause sickness and death. So the Lawyers of Israel forbade them to eat these things (in the name of Yahweh) and thereby hoped the people would live and the tribe survive!
The same thing was true with the SEXUAL LAWS found in Leviticus. These were also mean to keep the Tribes vital and strong.
With issues like STD’s, urinary infections, and other sexual problems, the laws proscribed very cumbersome ritual washings and rules. Women were mandated to clean themselves ritually before and after intercourse, and to abstain from sex for days after their menstrual cycle. Why? It seems that in that primitive time, such rules may have been thought to ward against urinary tract infections and other maladies. Women had to be healthy and clean to make as many babies as they could birth.
When it comes to the sexual Laws for men, as with the women, the purpose was to be ritually clean and keep God’s ordinances, in order to make babies!
As with many of the ritual laws, after an emission of semen, a man would also have to wash and clean not only his entire body, but also all his clothing and bed or anything on which his semen falls. Lev. 15:16
It is clear that whether an emission of semen is solitary or with a woman it was something that required ritual cleaning.
It would seem that most modern people would view these archaic laws as impractical and burdensome. Yet surely it was also impractical for the Jewish tribal member, too! Think of it! There were no washers or driers, or even showers!
Can you imagine having to follow those rules in your own life?
For the Hebrews the issue was trying to sexually clean! The Law said to not be clean meant to defile the temple (God). To not be sexually clean, also meant there could be problems that would curtail the future of the Hebrew people.
There is extensive laws that speak about sexual relations with kinsfolk. Is it possible that even at that time of primitive humanity, without an understanding of genetics, that they were aware what might happen with in-breeding?
There is also laws regarding male to male sex. If the primary goal of Law was to promote the birth of healthy children …to guarantee the survival of the Hebrew people, surely a man wouldn't waste his SEED (male to male sex, or via masturbation). The purpose of male sex was to make babies.
Why then, is male to male sex called an “abomination?”
As has been shown, the LAWS of Leviticus where written to help keep their people (the faith) alive. Because for the JEWS to survive as God's chosen ones, meant producing as much life as possible, the law called it (among other things) an abomination. Man to Man sex was not the issue, however! Not using ones seed to make Jewish babies was the issue!
With this historical understanding, Biblical Dietary and Sexual Laws were placed in the Bible as social economics... the laws purpose was to keep the Tribes of Israel alive and healthy, and making as many babies as possible.
The purpose of life was to procreate. When one considers the high mortality rate at that time, procreation was all the more important to the survival of the Hebrew people.
For the Jewish Lawyers the goal was to create fear in the hearts and minds of the people, so they would behave and do what they needed to do. The Jews made LAW hoping people would comply.
Since the time of Christ, Christians (Especially Roman Catholics) have promoted (via church law) no birth control for the same purpose. Why? Their goal was to make as many Roman Catholics in the world as possible.
So it is important for us to realize the reason behind the Laws, when we consider obedience to them today.
Are Old Testament laws (dietary and sexuality) which were intended for survival of an ancient community applicable to modern life?
Today we have refrigerators and freezers and practices that make eating pork and seafood mostly carefree. The detailed and specific dietary laws have no reason to impact our lives.
Regarding SEX... with things like modern medicine and (here in the West) a very long life span, the major goal for people today us is not making babies for the survival of the "tribe", so the very purpose of the Biblical Sex laws do not need to impact our lives either.
The good news is the truth that people of faith believe God created our bodies with the gift and pleasure of human sexuality. God also created us to taste great food and enjoy eating the fruits of God's creation.
Without Old Testament law dictating what we eat and how we wash and how and with whom we have sex, perhaps people of faith should focus on how we live our lives and how we treat ourselves, our loved ones, and our neighbors.
These would be questions of Judeo/Christian ethics and values. And there may be much diversity in opinion upon these questions, as we think about what is fair, and right, and good for all people. But our ethics and values need not be based upon Old Testament laws. Instead, we can use our minds and our hearts as we live in human community.
I would conclude by saying the focus in our modern world should not be upon following Old Testament Law, but rather try to Love God and Neighbor in the way that the Bible invites/commands us to love.
Hopefully, if people are thoughtful about these things, young people will not be guilt-ridden about masturbation, and young and old LGBT people won't be tormented for acting upon their own personal sexual orientation. Furthermore, it is hoped that the sexual guilt borne by many, because of Old Testament Law, will be relieved.
As for the continuing response to the Supreme Courts’ action on Gay marriage, and for other discussions about human sexuality, it is my hope that the Christian voice in our land is more loving for all people.
The Rev. Ben